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District Transparency

SB 272 Enterprise System Catalog

In 2015, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 272 (SB272) as part of the Public Records Act. (New Government Code 6270.5) SB 272 requires all local government agencies (except school districts) to create a catalog of enterprise systems that are used by the agency. For more information regarding SB 272.

As of 01/2025

Vendor/Product:Tyler Incode
System Purpose:Utility Billing, Accounts Payable/Receivable, HR/Payroll, General Ledger, Fixed Assets
Data Category:Customer contact information, Usage and billing information, employee information, general ledger information, fixed asset information, service requests.
Frequency of Collection:Daily
Frequency of Update:Daily
System Purpose:Code Library
Data Category:Resolutions and Ordinances
Frequency of Collection:As approved by the Board of Directors
Frequency of Update:As approved by the Board of Directors
Vendor/Product:AllPaid (GovPayNet)
System Purpose:Electronic Payments (Debit/Credit Card)
Data Category:Utility Billing; Accounts Receivable
Frequency of Collection:As Needed
Frequency of Update:As Needed
Vendor/Product:Microsoft Excel
System Purpose:Track projects, cost estimates for projects, claims and other.
Data Category:Project cost estimates and tracking.
Frequency of Collection:As Needed
Frequency of Update:As Needed
Vendor/Product:Intuit Quickbooks
System Purpose:Invoicing/Accounting
Data Category:Vendor names, invoices & payments received
Frequency of Collection:As Needed
Frequency of Update:As Needed
Vendor/Product:Microsoft Outlook/365
System Purpose:Email Management
Data Category:E-mails, contacts, and calendars. 
Frequency of Collection:As Needed
Frequency of Update:As Needed
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